Harnessing the Power of Personality for Health Marketing

By Debra Skinner, Senior Research Manager, Data Sciences and Natalie Price, MPH, Junior Research Analyst, Data Sciences

At JPA Health, we are renowned for developing innovative, results-focused health marketing and communications campaigns. Our AI & Research Solutions team helps us do just that by leveraging the power of personality-based targeting and behavioral insights to tailor messaging to priority audiences.

Personality-based targeting and behavioral insights are crucial because they allow us to understand our audience on a deeper level. By analyzing the Big Five personality traits — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN) — we can predict how different individuals are likely to respond to health messages. These traits provide a comprehensive framework to predict human behavior across various contexts. By understanding these traits, we can anticipate how different individuals are likely to respond to health messages, enabling us to create personalized and effective communications that resonate with our audience’s unique personality traits.

But why does this matter?

In today’s saturated market, personalized messaging is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a game-changer in creating impactful campaigns. By tailoring our communications to resonate with specific personality traits, we can engage our audience on a deeper level, leading to more effective engagement and results. Our Data Sciences capability is backed by robust data analysis, which allows us to infer underlying personality traits. This innovative approach, powered by advanced linguistic analytics, provides us with data-backed insights that are actionable and valuable.

  • Audiences composed of individuals who score high on Openness are typically receptive to new experiences and ideas. In health communications, this could mean they are more likely to be open to trying new treatments or technologies. Therefore, when communicating with an audience that scores high on Openness, we can emphasize the innovative aspects of a health product or service to pique their curiosity.
  • On the other hand, individuals who score high on Conscientiousness are typically organized, detail-oriented, and prefer structured environments. When communicating with a conscientious audience, we provide detailed information, clear instructions, and emphasize the reliability and consistency of a health product or service.
  • Extraversion and Agreeableness traits also play a significant role in health communications. Highly extraverted individuals are often outgoing and social, responding well to campaigns that emphasize community, social interaction, or public recognition. Those high in Agreeableness tend to be cooperative and value harmony, responding positively to messages that emphasize teamwork, cooperation, or societal benefits.
  • Lastly, understanding an audience’s level of Neuroticism can help tailor the tone of our communications. Individuals high in Neuroticism tend to experience stress and anxiety more frequently. In health communications, it’s important to provide reassurance, support, and emphasize the safety and efficacy of health products or services to these audiences.

By leveraging personality-based targeting and behavioral insights, we can create more impactful health communications campaigns. This approach refines our long-standing focus on how to message and communicate with specific health audiences, ultimately leading to more effective engagement and results. And, by combining this innovative approach with our proprietary AI insights engine GRETEL Trails, our clients receive seamless access to real-world insights from healthcare audiences.

At JPA Health, we’re not just talking about the future of health marketing – we’re creating it. Our AI and research capabilities are just one of the ways we’re pushing the boundaries and delivering results for our clients.

Contact us to learn more.

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