By Debra Skinner, Senior Research Manager, Data Sciences and Natalie Price, MPH, Junior Research Analyst, Data Sciences

At JPA Health, we are renowned for developing innovative, results-focused health marketing and communications campaigns. Our AI & Research Solutions team helps us do just that by leveraging the power of personality-based targeting and behavioral insights to tailor messaging to priority audiences.

Personality-based targeting and behavioral insights are crucial because they allow us to understand our audience on a deeper level. By analyzing the Big Five personality traits — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN) — we can predict how different individuals are likely to respond to health messages. These traits provide a comprehensive framework to predict human behavior across various contexts. By understanding these traits, we can anticipate how different individuals are likely to respond to health messages, enabling us to create personalized and effective communications that resonate with our audience’s unique personality traits.

But why does this matter?

In today’s saturated market, personalized messaging is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a game-changer in creating impactful campaigns. By tailoring our communications to resonate with specific personality traits, we can engage our audience on a deeper level, leading to more effective engagement and results. Our Data Sciences capability is backed by robust data analysis, which allows us to infer underlying personality traits. This innovative approach, powered by advanced linguistic analytics, provides us with data-backed insights that are actionable and valuable.

  • Audiences composed of individuals who score high on Openness are typically receptive to new experiences and ideas. In health communications, this could mean they are more likely to be open to trying new treatments or technologies. Therefore, when communicating with an audience that scores high on Openness, we can emphasize the innovative aspects of a health product or service to pique their curiosity.
  • On the other hand, individuals who score high on Conscientiousness are typically organized, detail-oriented, and prefer structured environments. When communicating with a conscientious audience, we provide detailed information, clear instructions, and emphasize the reliability and consistency of a health product or service.
  • Extraversion and Agreeableness traits also play a significant role in health communications. Highly extraverted individuals are often outgoing and social, responding well to campaigns that emphasize community, social interaction, or public recognition. Those high in Agreeableness tend to be cooperative and value harmony, responding positively to messages that emphasize teamwork, cooperation, or societal benefits.
  • Lastly, understanding an audience’s level of Neuroticism can help tailor the tone of our communications. Individuals high in Neuroticism tend to experience stress and anxiety more frequently. In health communications, it’s important to provide reassurance, support, and emphasize the safety and efficacy of health products or services to these audiences.

By leveraging personality-based targeting and behavioral insights, we can create more impactful health communications campaigns. This approach refines our long-standing focus on how to message and communicate with specific health audiences, ultimately leading to more effective engagement and results. And, by combining this innovative approach with our proprietary AI insights engine GRETEL Trails, our clients receive seamless access to real-world insights from healthcare audiences.

At JPA Health, we’re not just talking about the future of health marketing – we’re creating it. Our AI and research capabilities are just one of the ways we’re pushing the boundaries and delivering results for our clients.

Contact us to learn more.


By Samantha Cranko, Senior Vice President, Life Science

Fast-moving technology and shifting HCP and consumer behaviors are reshaping how strategic pharmaceutical marketers communicate – and how consumers expect the industry to communicate – in major ways. As an integrated agency with a robust portfolio in pharma and biotech, JPA Health has identified five healthcare PR trends having a major impact on corporate and product communications strategies today.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML): Streamlining Communications with Precision

No surprise, artificial intelligence and machine learning are at the forefront of revolutionizing our approach to communications. These technologies enhance our work as communicators by automating routine tasks, forecasting media trends, and optimizing content distribution. Importantly, they also allow for the personalization of content and provide deep insights by analyzing extensive data sets quickly.

However, the incorporation of AI and ML demands a responsible approach—emphasizing trustworthy usage, secure deployments, and human oversight to ensure ethical engagement that maintains the authenticity and accuracy required of pharma communications. This delicate balance will be critical for pharma professionals to master in 2024.

2. Leveraging Micro-Influencers: Enhancing Authentic Engagement

The shift from celebrity to micro-influencer endorsements highlights a preference for authenticity and specificity in audience engagement. These influencers, often individuals with personal experiences in specific health conditions, resonate deeply with their audiences. Their genuine connections yield higher engagement rates, making them valuable partners for pharmaceutical brands looking to communicate in relatable and trustworthy ways, particularly on platforms like TikTok.

3. Strategic Storytelling: The Impact of Focused Narratives

With so much misinformation in the media marketplace, consumers are seeking outlets they trust – and those might not be the big media outlets PR people have relied on in the past. A compelling story in the right niche can achieve more impact for your brand than widespread, unfocused coverage. Strategic storytelling for today’s health consumer involves crafting narratives that not only resonate with targeted audiences but also align with media outlets that your audiences trust most. This approach not only amplifies the message but also fosters a deeper connection with the audience, enhancing the overall effectiveness of communications campaigns.

4. Patient-Centric Digital Experiences: Beyond the Product

Digital advancements have raised everyone’s expectations for a more personalized experience. For pharmaceutical brands, this means creating digital platforms that offer more than just product information. Interactive tools, tailored content, and supportive online communities are essential for engaging patients (and caregivers) meaningfully, enhancing their journey, and building loyalty through customized experiences that meet individual needs.

5. Building Trust: The Bedrock of Effective PR

In today’s world, where trust is a precious commodity, transparency is key. Consumers demand clear, honest information about drug efficacy, safety, and pricing. Effective PR strategies now more than ever require a steadfast commitment to transparency, involving proactive disclosures, engaging with stakeholders across multiple channels, and responding openly to public inquiries.

Bringing It Together

Communications for the pharmaceutical industry has always required agility, innovation, and ethical communication. Applying these skills to current consumer expectations will help to ensure that you not only meet but exceed the expectations of your audiences.

For those looking to delve deeper into how these trends can be applied to advance your brand and communication goals, reach out to JPA Health. Let’s explore how we can elevate your strategies together in this dynamic landscape.

Learn More

Discover how JPA Health can transform your 2024 pharma marketing strategy. Contact us today!

HYFTOR: How JPA Health Launched the First Approved Medicine for a Rare Genetic Disorder

Nobelpharma America turned to JPA Health to brand and launch its first U.S. product, HYFTOR®, the first topical treatment approved by the FDA for the treatment of facial angiofibroma (FA), a rare genetic disorder in children and adults with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).

The Impact


new prescribers
in two months





The Challenge

Facial angiofibroma was consistently deprioritized as a treatable condition, because of the overall complexity of TSC. Yet people living with facial angiofibroma experience significant impact from bullying, depression, and other emotional challenges.

Our Approach

We developed a memorable brand story that brought to life the product’s unique position in the market — and its benefits for patients, caregivers and HCPs. We gathered insights through market research with neurologists, dermatologists, patients, and caregivers.

The Solution

The “my VICTORY” campaign brought to life how HYFTOR® answers the unmet needs of patients and their loved ones.

“my VICTORY” represented life beyond TSC/FA and patients’ ability to continue a normal life in the face of this rare disease. It showcased a sense of freedom to contrast with the stress and limitation that we found hinders patients, caregivers and HCPs.

The campaign included a full stable of paid, earned and owned assets created to build awareness of HYFTOR®. All elements created in support of the launch of HYFTOR® included print and digital versions of assets for patients, caregivers, HCPs and sales teams at Nobelpharma America.

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Etripamil: How JPA Health Amplified Pivotal Cardiology Trial Data at AHA

JPA Health helped bring attention to pivotal Phase 3 clinical data for Milestone Therapeutics’ investigational therapy etripamil, being studied to treat paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT), an abnormality in the electrical system of the heart. There is no cure for this condition. 


The Impact








The Challenge

The American Heart Association (AHA) Annual Scientific Session is a crowded and busy medical congress. JPA Health was tasked with securing a steady drumbeat of media coverage that would raise awareness of etripamil’s positive Phase 3 data ahead of Milestone’s submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  

Our Approach

JPA Health crafted a targeted embargoed media outreach strategy that would amplify top-line pivotal data to key audiences. This approach allowed influential reporters the opportunity to review the trial’s findings ahead of AHA and allowed them adequate time to speak directly with Milestone spokespeople.

The Solution

Ahead of AHA, we conducted embargoed outreach to key reporters with an offer to join a weekend virtual roundtable to discuss the data prior to its release. During the roundtable, Milestone gave a brief presentation on the data followed by a Q&A with reporters. JPA Health also implemented an ongoing, non-embargoed media strategy to an extended list of outlets to prolong coverage past release day.

This strategy led to positive coverage in opinion-shaping outlets including STAT News, FierceBiotech, Endpoints News, BioSpace, Kaiser Health News, Medscape and more.

Related Work

AVIBELA: How JPA Health Launched a Global Online Hub for a Low-Cost IUD

JPA Health worked with Medicines360, a nonprofit pharmaceutical organization, to develop the global product website for AVIBELATM, a low-cost hormonal IUD contraceptive.


The Impact

1,623 users

and 2300+
page views
the first month
after launch


in multiple

45% of users

came from key markets
in Kenya, Panama,
and China

The Challenge

Women lack information about long-acting reversible contraceptives in low-income areas in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Central America, and the Caribbean. 

Our Approach

To close the IUD information gap, we developed a web portal tailored for and strategically marketed to reach women in these key markets. The portal was informed by research among patients in our key target markets and designed to meet their stated need for practical and solution-oriented information to close the access gap.

The Solution

In less than 6 weeks, JPA Health developed and launched The site effectively explains IUDs, highlights AVIBELA product characteristics, describes how and where to get the product, and even offers training resources for HCPs. This website exceeded anticipated interest soon after launch and continues to drive demand as Medicines360 continues its work expanding global access.

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Metastatic Breast Cancer: How JPA Health Broke Through in a Crowded UK Media Market

A new medication was granted marketing authorization for the combination treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Following a positive review from NICE, JPA Health executed an earned media strategy to drive high-impact news coverage.


The Impact







The Challenge

Communications around NICE approvals are highly regulated, and companies are expected to convey complex scientific and medical information in a way that is both accurate and understandable. This involves navigating an intricate regulatory landscape to ensure content is compliant and resonates with multiple target audiences including healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public.  

Our Approach

JPA Health developed a plan to work with key opinion leaders and their patient case studies to further extend the reach of the news to all interested stakeholders in UK national and regional consumer media and trade media, while driving key message penetration.

The Solution

By releasing the press release 24 hours before NICE and Breast Cancer Now, we gave journalists embargoed access to the news story and had time to put them in touch with a well-informed KOL and patient to discuss the real-life benefits of the medication and positive effect on patient’s lives.

This targeted approach to put the news in context led to coverage that exceeded client expectations in terms of both quantity and quality.

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ESsentials: How JPA Health Helped Empower People with a Rare Cancer

JPA Health partnered with Epizyme to launch the first educational initiative for patients and caregivers affected by the ultra-rare cancer epithelioid sarcoma (ES).


The Impact



ES patients


over goal



The Challenge

Like many rare diseases, ES is under-researched and under-resourced. There were no FDA approved drugs for ES, and a tremendous need for education and support for people living with this serious condition.

Our Approach

To uncover addressable knowledge gaps, JPA Health conducted in-depth patient journey research and conducted 1:1 interviews with patient advocacy leaders. We discovered that while ES information existed online, it was fragmented and difficult to find – patients did not know where to begin to look. We set out to bring disparate information together in the first-ever ES disease education campaign to effectively support these patients.

The Solution

JPA Health launched ESsentials, the first website dedicated to ES patients and caregivers, timed with the start of Sarcoma Awareness Month when ES was in greater focus than other times of the year. We created and strategically promoted a best-of-the-web hub for patients to begin their journey understanding the disease, providing crucial questions to ask in the doctor’s office and survivor stories to keep them motivated. Original content included powerful video testimonials, doctor discussion guides, easy-to-understand information on the disease, and links to additional resources, all of which received positive reviews from patients and caregivers.

Related Work

Getting Out of the Rough: How JPA Health Created a Celebrity Miniseries About Biomarker Testing

JPA Health created an unbranded patient education initiative with a leading biopharmaceutical company to drive conversations between patients and oncologists about lung cancer biomarker testing.


The Impact


increase in
monthly medical
oncology patient





The Challenge

Up to 25% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer have an EGFR+ mutation, but most did not receive the necessary biomarker testing to open the door to targeted treatment options. 

Our Approach

We created Getting Out of the Rough, a campaign to educate patients about the importance of comprehensive biomarker testing in lung cancer. The campaign tapped into the power of celebrity influence to drive conversations about biomarker testing in the doctor’s office.

The Solution

JPA Health created a six-episode miniseries housed on a dynamic campaign website, featuring professional golfer Jason Day. With Jason leading the charge, the campaign featured a star-studded lineup, including Julie Bowen and Bellamy Young, who contributed a unique perspective through their personal connections to lung cancer.  The campaign launched with a supporting multi-channel campaign, generating awareness online via paid traffic ads across all channels, and messages amplified on celebrity platforms.

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SKYTROFA: How JPA Health Built a Branded Patient Ambassador Community

Facing uncertainty and stigma, parents of kids living with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) needed advice and role models for successfully managing the condition. JPA Health worked with Ascendis to identify and elevate powerful stories of parents whose children were using a newer treatment option known as SKYTROFA®.


The Impact




Trained 5

and captured

Engaged in



The Challenge

Raising children is challenging in any circumstance, but especially so when that child is facing growth hormone deficiency. While parents of kids with GHD navigated the uncertainty of a complex diagnosis, they often felt stigmatized and had few public examples of other parents tackling the condition head-on.

Our Approach

We engaged parents whose children were using SKYTROFA with a compelling call to share their stories, hand-picking a short-list of potential ambassadors who directly addressed parents’ most pressing concerns. From beginning to end, the entire program was designed around the realities of the ambassadors’ busy lifestyles to ensure every interaction was a positive one.

The Solution

We created a comprehensive training program to equip the ambassadors to tell their stories confidently and compliantly. At the same time, we efficiently captured (in one sitting) an entire library of content to bring their stories to life across multiple potential channels. We then built a system to strategically activate our ambassadors to ensure every storytelling opportunity would have maximum reach and impact – while providing each ambassador a personalized experience to honor their stories and their time.

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Where Science Meets Strategy

At JPA Health, we excel in propelling life science companies forward, from emerging biotech companies to established pharmaceutical giants.

We build connections throughout the product life cycle, ensuring a deep understanding of the dynamic needs of your diverse stakeholders. Our goal? To deliver a seamless, agile strategy that resonates every step of the way.

From pre-clinical research to product launch and beyond, we thrive in highly technical domains, turning complex information into clear, impactful messages. For companies navigating the challenging path from clinical to commercial, we offer a comprehensive understanding of patient profiles and market dynamics.

Our team of strategists combines data and creativity with expertise across core disciplines – Marketing, Patient Advocacy, Public Relations, and Medical Communications. Each area is exceptional on its own but even more powerful when working together. We understand the nuances required to navigate the medical, regulatory, and legal landscapes, ensuring your message is both compelling and compliant.

We’ve supported major product launches and provided strategic counsel to some of the world’s leading companies in these sectors.
• Pharmaceutical
• Biotechnology
• Medical Device
• Diagnostics
• Medtech
• Digital Health & Health Tech

JPA Health is where innovation, strategy, and communication converge to drive growth and make a lasting difference.

Our Clients

The Rise of Integrated Intelligence

Discover how cutting-edge technology addresses current clinical trial challenges, improving representation, recruitment, enrollment, and implementation for the purpose of optimizing clinical trial planning and execution. 


Our Expertise

Patient Advocacy

We help many of the top pharma and biotech companies involve patients through the drug development process. With a legacy in patient engagement best-practices, we facilitate partnerships between these companies, patients, and non-profit organizations. Our expertise ranges from helping companies develop internal policies to building global coalitions.

Marketing & Advertising

Ignite your brand’s potential! As a full-service creative firm, we have a proven track record for increasing brand awareness and driving stakeholder interest. Our approach is rooted in data-driven insights, combined with compelling creativity, and executed through effective omnichannel solutions.

Medical Communications

Dive into a world where medical insights spark riveting scientific stories! Our expertise spans the entire product lifecycle, crafting client-focused engagements that powerfully support the drug development and commercialization journey—from the lab bench to the clinic, from healthcare professionals to patients.

Public Relations

The art of storytelling will never go out of style. While the world of corporate communications is ever evolving, earned media remains a must-have. At JPA, we design dynamic, results-driven media campaigns that grab attention and deliver your message straight to the heart of your audience. Get ready to make an impact!

One Health

One Health underscores the link between human, animal, and environmental well-being. In this evolving field, the demand for joint and comprehensive strategies to tackle global health challenges is pressing. As specialists in this nuanced sector, we are ready to assist leaders in addressing these critical issues.

Public Health

We specialize in disease prevention, reducing health disparities, and enhancing community well-being through education, support for healthcare professionals, and community engagement. With our International team's support, we've spearheaded numerous award-winning public health campaigns with global impact for patient groups and professional societies.

Life Sciences

As healthcare specialists, we understand complex science and the nuances of a tightly regulated industry. Our team has experience across all therapeutic areas and have successfully lunched dozens of products. At our core, we are deeply committed to empowering healthcare professionals and patients, infusing passion into every project we undertake. It’s time to unlock the full potential of your brand!

Federal Government

For the past decade, we have partnered with Federal, state, and local government agencies to create effective communication campaigns that capture attention, drive behavior change, and deliver measurable results. As a woman-owned small business, we are proud of the work we do with multiple agencies, including the CDC, NIH and SAMHSA.

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JPA Health partners with companies in the life science, pharmaceutical, healthcare, and clinical research sectors to better serve clients’ needs and goals.