ESsentials: How JPA Health Helped Empower People with a Rare Cancer
JPA Health partnered with Epizyme to launch the first educational initiative for patients and caregivers affected by the ultra-rare cancer epithelioid sarcoma (ES).

The Impact

ES patients
over goal
The Challenge
Like many rare diseases, ES is under-researched and under-resourced. There were no FDA approved drugs for ES, and a tremendous need for education and support for people living with this serious condition.
Our Approach
To uncover addressable knowledge gaps, JPA Health conducted in-depth patient journey research and conducted 1:1 interviews with patient advocacy leaders. We discovered that while ES information existed online, it was fragmented and difficult to find – patients did not know where to begin to look. We set out to bring disparate information together in the first-ever ES disease education campaign to effectively support these patients.
The Solution
JPA Health launched ESsentials, the first website dedicated to ES patients and caregivers, timed with the start of Sarcoma Awareness Month when ES was in greater focus than other times of the year. We created and strategically promoted a best-of-the-web hub for patients to begin their journey understanding the disease, providing crucial questions to ask in the doctor’s office and survivor stories to keep them motivated. Original content included powerful video testimonials, doctor discussion guides, easy-to-understand information on the disease, and links to additional resources, all of which received positive reviews from patients and caregivers.